CORSnetTM, is the first Continuous Observation Reference Station (CORS) Network implemented in Sri Lanka for Real Time Correction (RTK) broadcasting for GNSS Surveying Instruments. CORSnet, originally implemented and deployed by Suleco (Pvt) Ltd , is now being operated and managed by CORSnet (Pvt) Ltd augmenting its services to various stakeholders.
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) supports generating the geographic location of a user's receiver anywhere in the world. CORSnet fully utilizes such location data obtained from GNSS systems such as GPS, GLONASS, COMPASS & GALLILEO.
Our high accuracy CORS stations located around the island observe these raw satellite data 24x7 hours and transmit the same into Central Control Server for VRS generation, Users and Data Management and Corrections Broadcasting.
With our service, we guarantee accuracy up to 2.5mm+0.5ppm (in Static Mode), accuracy up to 15mm+1ppm (in RTK mode).
RTK Corrections broadcasting consists of data signal streams of RTCM 2.x,/3.x, CMR, CMR+, sCMRx, RTD, NMEA. We also provide RINEX data for post processing.
Affordable pricing, qualified and friendly technical support and reliable prompt service are together in a holistic sense to record high satisfactory performance. We also keep our highest standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability together with our business sustainability and corporate governance policies.